Australia: Sun, sand, surf, … and passivhaus? (Check out this link)
So goes the title of Elrond Burrell’s latest blog. Elrond is a world leading blogger, architect, and passive house expert. Not necessarily in that order. He works in the UK but comes from New Zealand. Never mind. He’s coming to visit Australia early next year for the Passive House conference.
Elrond interviewed us to report on Superpod®, aesthetics, modernism, and why passive house is relevant in Australia. Sunny, warm Australia, yeah?
Well, not entirely.
We have just about all climates in the world. True that most of us don’t live in sub zero temperatures, but because of that, we build poorly designed homes. We think it’s not cold.
Not cold? You’re joking.
In Canberra.
In Tasmania.
In Melbourne.
It gets pretty seriously cold.
So cold, in fact, that people die. More than in Sweden.
BUT. The point is that passive house is not just about keeping us warm in the cold weather with low power and draft free high comfort.
It’s also about keeping cooler in hot weather. And keeping out humidity. And staying healthier due to mould free interiors.
If I had a dollar for every time someone told me passive house is irrelevant in Australia…
But I don’t.
Read Elrond’s blog to see what they think of us over in the UK. And why passive house is an international phenomenon. And read his other blogs. Especially 10 things I hate about passivehouse (another cool link)
You will never look at architecture the same way again.